Awesome Pets

All Pets for pet owners and pet lovers.
Pet stories, pet jokes, pet photos and pet products and pet advice.

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  • Our Cats Nala and Meeko

  • Pet of the Month photo

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    Our Cats Nala and Meeko

    Our cat Nala is awesome for sure!We got her from the Humane Society. They said they found her crying in a dumpster when she was a kitten. We had to help her so we took her home. Not only is she a great leg warmer in bed, but she loves to cuddle. She has furry little feet that we tickle for her. If you put your finger near her mouth she'll lick it, then turn her head so you can clean her! She's an awesome pet!

    Our cat Meeko is pretty cool too. He's not the most friendliest cat around, never one to cuddle. He's always trying to make a break for the door to get outside. He was from a farm so we figure he'd rather be an outside cat. We've had him for a while now, almost 6 years and we love him!

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