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  • Phoebe the Siamese cat

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    Phoebe the Siamese cat


    Birthdate October 27/03 (Scorpio) 2 yrs old.

    We picked Phoebe up when she was just 5 weeks old from a local pet store. The sign said “siamese”, but we did take our chances, as she was pure white. It didn’t take long to confirm she was indeed a true Siamese, as the Siamese characters began to surface. At 8 weeks old she had her first major surgery, the doctor removed over a foot of Christmas ribbon from her intestines. To this day she enjoys snacking on anything string like and grocery bags. She always enjoys the daily game of catch the cloth that wipes the countertops, and never misses the nightly routine of catch my foot as I tuck myself into bed. Every night at exactly 11:30 pm she roams through the house like a feral cat in distress making the oddest low pitch growl/meow. During our last snow fall we discovered she likes to play in the snow, and chased after several snow balls that the kids threw, pushing her head into the snow to retrieve them. Yes, she is a quirky one our Phoebe ,and she’s got us all wrapped around her little paw.


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